Rolling over to one side: 2 weeks

Smiling and it wasn't gas: 5 weeks

Standing with assistance: 6 weeks

First grabbed at an object: 2 months

First blew bubbles: 2 months

Using heels of feet to slither around: 2 months

Found her hands: 2 months   

Blowing raspberries: 3 months

Clasping hands together: 3 months

Holding head up nice: 3 months

Giggled for the first time: January 28, 2006 during a family dinner at Rootbeer the dog.  Was 3 months old.

Roll over BOTH ways: February 1, 2006-at 3 months old

Slither around on belly - 4 months old. (mostly backwards until almost 5 months old, then some forwards).

Sitting up - 5 1/2 months old.   

Crawling - 5 months old.

Sat herself up - 2 days before 6 months

Firth tooth - 1 day before 6 months

Found vagina - 6 months

Reaches for mommy or daddy - 6 months

Clicks tongue - 7 months

Stands herself up (on furniture, aka cruising)- 7 months

Waved at someone - 7 months       

Fusses when we take a toy away - 7 months

Really turns when we talk to her - 7 months

First word - 'Dog' (9 months)

Walking - 10 1/2 months

Walks to fridge for food/drink, counter for fruit, pantry for snacks - 12 months

Learns to play with dolls - 12 months

Pointing - 13 months (but would gesture at 12 months)

balancing checkbook - 15 months