How it All Began


It all started on Christmas Eve when I wrote this self pity journal entry...After that we were determined...but come January 11th, I was just starting my student teaching internship when mother nature totally screwed me...I got my week early...or did I?  It was light...not normal...and I couldn't help but wonder...but a pregnancy test gave me a big fat no...So frustrated we tried again on January 25th...However on January 14th, I came home and was crying at the end of the stairs saying "I'll never get pregnant...everyone else is pregnant but me!!" (we should have known then...but we chalked it up to lack of the appropriate medication (haha)).

So for another two weeks, I went around just totally feeling sorry for myself and still not understanding how my period could be one week early and so light and I was just so sure I was pregnant...

Then comes February 5th.  That day I had little in my closet at Karen's to wear, so I put on the dress I wore to my grandfather's funeral (I have been avoiding wearing it since that day for obvious reasons).  It was an A-line cut dress, black dress.  I always thought it was cute.  While I was putting it on, I noticed something would not go over my boobs!  Now at first I thought "Well you've gained alot of weight since Pop-pop's funeral.  So maybe your boobs are bigger too."  But then I thought "Risa's scale said you lost ten pounds..." Shaking it off, I went to school.  That day, I had two students pull me aside and ask me if I was pregnant.  I was bristled because I really didn't think I was.  I told them "I'm not sure, Mr. Uleck and I are trying...but probably's just the dress." 

That night, I went home, hung out with Kevin, then went to sleep.  At 4am, a time which will live in infamy, I woke up and realized I needed to pee.  I decided now was as good as ever to do my monthly pee on a stick (actually it was more than that cause I was doing ovulation tests too).  While I was waiting for the test results, I realized I forgot to brush my teeth (anyone that knows me is laughing their ass off now), so I decided to brush my teeth while I was waiting.  As I was brushing my teeth, I was thinking "I hate these fucking tests...I'm so sick of peeing on sticks all the time and them being negative...blah, blah, blah".  While I was bitching to myself, I happened to glance over at the test...I almost choked on my toothbrush (which I do regularly now).  There were TWO BIG BRIGHT PINK LINES!!!.  I started screaming.  At this point, Signal jumped up off the bed and Kevin started screaming something about squirrels.  I ran into the bedroom with pee stick in my hand waving it around and screaming "We did it! WE did it!!"  It took Kevin some time to realize what I was talking about, but when he did, we was sooooo happy.  We giddly, laid in bed discussing our little baby.  Signal in the mean while went to pout on the couch (we'll get back to her later).

By 6am, I couldn't go back to sleep, I got up, took another test...still positive!!  Then at 9:15, I took another one...then the next day, I have to do another (just to be sure).  Four tests in total.  Of course my friend, Jackie still holds the record of seven.

Throughout the whole day, Kevin and I realized just how hard it is to keep such information to ourselves.  We of course told our parents and our closest friends...but we decided to guard the secret for a bit longer until our first ultrasound.  We also made another decision to call the baby code name 'airplane' until we find out the sex.  Apparently big sister Signal reacts adversely to the 'b' word.  She thinks she's the baby and she doesn't get all this talk about a baby...

Anyway...that was just the beginning of our story...browse 'airplane's' pages to see what's going on with our little one, and with me...and how is everyone else in this house reacting...